The Story of Yamamoto Miwako – Samurai

In a story called Yamamoto Miwako, the character Yamamoto has to become a samurai in order to deal with a problem concerning the rule of his kingdom. Yamamoto is not too happy with this assignment and he gets angry with his superiors when he finds out that he was chosen to become a samurai. Yamamoto, however, is an idealistic man who believes that a samurai must be a true samurai before becoming a samurai.

Yamamoto Miwako, who is also referred to as Yamamoto Takayuki, was a student of Buddhism and his father was a Buddhist priest. He had been very young when his father died and was very depressed. It was only through studying the teachings of Buddhism that he was able to gain some insight into life. When he was about to enter the military, however, he found out that he was disqualified due to his dishonesty during his studies and that he was to have a trial period before being allowed to enter the military.

Yamamoto’s trials became much worse because he was caught lying and dishonoring himself during his trial. His father became very angry at him for dishonoring his father and thus forbade him from being a samurai. Instead, he was given the task of managing the temple that was close by to the king’s palace. Yamamoto did not disappoint his father. He managed the temple very well and was very respected by his superiors.

Because of his honesty, Yamamoto was forced into another trial period. Again, his dishonor and dishonoring of himself were the reason why he was found unfit to enter the military. This time, he was unable to pass his test. Despite his dishonor, however, the king saw no option but to give Yamamoto the chance to pass his trial. But it was not enough for Yamamoto, because he still did not want to go to the military.

Yamamoto decided to become a samurai again and so he went to the court of the Shinto shogun to ask permission to become one. The shogun refused his request but did allow him to become a samurai if he could swear loyalty to him. Yamamoto was able to do so and became one of the most powerful samurai warriors in Japan.

Yamamoto was so determined to be a samurai that he kept on repeating his promises to his superiors and the king. Eventually, he managed to convince the shogun to allow him to become a samurai once again. In other words, he was willing to betray his own dishonor in return for the honor and respect.