The Philosophy of Time

In the philosophy and physics of science, instant refers only to an instant in time, its passage being instantaneous. The philosophers argue that a moment in time can be a moment of instant. For example, when a person wakes up from a dream he is in instantaneously, yet he is still awake. To the philosophers a time interval cannot be called instantaneous; it is only a time interval of duration, such as seconds or minutes, a span of time.

In the philosophy of time, the duration of time that an instant is in is called the instant of time. Instant of time can be called as such because it has a certain amount of duration. If two events, one instant and one time, are separated by a long enough interval of time then they can be said to be simultaneous.

Instant refers to something that happens at the same time, the same instant. For example, if the sun rises and sets, then it is not an instant. Time is divided into two parts, an anterior part and a posterior part. In the anterior part of the present event occurs, in the posterior part of the past event is present. This division is the result of the fact that time is dependent on the passage of time. An event happens at a certain time when the passage of time is going by and a different event happens at a different time after the passage of time. Time can also be defined as the difference in the values of definite quantities which occur at the same time.

An instant can refer to any kind of event that has already happened and will occur again, even a future event. An event cannot refer to the future; it refers only to the past. A future event will not occur, so the word “future” does not exist. The words “past,” “present”, “and “occurrence” refer to the passage of time, but not the actual existence or absence of an event, or its occurrence. There is no “time” except in the context of time and not in the context of other concepts of time.

The passage of time is divided into anterior and posterior time. The interval of time in between an event is known as anterior time. At this time the cause of the event is unknown, or there is no particular reason to suppose that the cause is present. The interval of time before an event is called posterior time. at this time the causes of the past events are known in the sense of an action or a reaction that has taken place before the event took place, and also in the sense of a physical change or a change in the present state of the physical objects.

A present event can be called as a part of the posterior time. In the case of the present event, time is called instant and time can be defined as the difference between the past and present, in the sense that it can be seen in the present time. A certain part of the time, the part called the antecedent or preceding part, is called the immediate past. At the antecedent time, the effect of the event takes place, a certain thing that is not present in the immediate past is already present, it is present but it is not yet known as a part of the immediate past. This part of the time can be called as the antecedent time. The effect of the event at the immediate past can be called as the immediate future.